Monday 9 March 2009

......sunday mash up, F1 STYLE....

.....after ordering meal B from the local take a way, i knew this Sunday was a special one. To start with no cooking the usual roast and no washing up.....fooooking magic.

Woods>> is just back from the big smoke and a picture of Buckingham Palace confirms that the family saw red men in fuzzy hats. Good skills. I on the other hand just floated around all weekend with not much to do. Spinned some of dem choons with Bengo on saturday at pete's 30th but...... The highlight has to be the Bengo story............MODA friday eve, too many zambooooka's and a massive bouncer had to grab him from climbing on stage to join Calvin Harris in a dance off......Bengo 10:1 favorite..................Bengo you rock.....enjoy this one, it's fresh and dirty.......f1 & out

DL>F1 MaShUp

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